Gestation 28 -36 days
Weaning 6 weeks
Puberty 8 -12 months
Litter size 3 - 4
Adult weight 80 - 120 grams
Life span Male 8  Female 10
Chipmunks are members of the squirrel family and come mainly from North America. If it gets very cold in the winter they may hibernate for short periods if housed outside.
A new animal will be nervous when you get them home. Do not handle them too much at this stage. Put them in their new home and leave them to settle for 24 hours. When they are settled begin to introduce your hand into their cage for short periods. Talk to them gently. They will soon learn to trust you as they are naturally very inquisative. You will soon be able to handle them. don't make the mistake of trying to rush this process.
When I go into my aviary my girls climb all over me and they will happily sit on my hand or shoulder to eat.
They can be kept singly, in breeding pairs  or   in groups, single sex or mixed (1 male to 2 or 3 females)
I have found it unwise to keep more than one male in a cage with females as they will fight over them. My first to males fought and one died and I had to have the other put down.
Chipmunks are generally very healthy. Their health can be affected by diet, environment many problems are stress related. If kept indoors, avoid tv sets or other electrical appliances as these can affect them. Fighting and overgrown teeth and claws can also be a problem. Small cuts tend to heal very quickly. If they lose their appetite, body weight or have a runny nose or eyes or develop diarrhoea or any skin problems consult a vet.